The one that got away…


I’d always hoped…
that this day would never come,
where I would look back in regret…
I was self-assured with the choices made then,
that they were all for the best.

Yet here I am now,
soaking away in deep remorse,
from something that might seem oh so trivial, to the world,
but to my soul, it is plain agony,
like an anchor of despair weighing it down.

‘Well, what do we do now?’, asks my soul,
A deep sigh is all I have,
as I gasp for some air,
to save me from none other than myself.

I pour out these words, hoping
to find some sort of relief,
from this night that haunts me, out of the blue.
From the night that speaks loud and clear,
of the one that got away…

as life unfolds


Life’s more like the sand on the seashore.
With every new wave, that swashes in,
it carries away the old, only to usher in the new.
You know not what tomorrow holds.
You could either live in dread or in complete hope.
Hope that no matter what it may be,
no matter what the next wave brings in or wipes off,
you will still remain in peace,
cos your life isn’t like the sand on the seashore,
instead your life… is on the rock…

thrills & chills


That weird tingling sensation,
that send chills down one’s spine,
mixed with joy and fear
the kind that fills you up inside out,

right from the bosom, it erupts,

in a way that cannot be explained…

It’s like the soft cold breeze,
that gently caresses your hair,
and whispers sweet nothings into your ears
so close that you’re lost in a trance,

a never ending kind…

the kind that is too good to be true…

The kind that leaves you perplexed,
whether to trust the weird tingles
or to follow your gut instinct- fear,

and flee the opposite direction!

Story of my life’. Period


The best thing


Being single or taking the time off is possibly the best thing ever. It’s something most of us flee from. An act that requires courage. To get to know you. And be your own best friend. To reach a point in life where you are your own inspiration. To appreciate the simpler things in life. To enjoy being you. Not for ‘who’ or ‘what’ tags around you. But rather for being ‘you’. Celebrate ‘you’.

Hymn of life


Starting of a new day can’t get any better when you wake up to the hymn “In Christ alone” singing loud in your head.

A peaceful, reassuring and a fresh way to kickstart start the day!

In Christ alone my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This Cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm

What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when striving’s cease
My Comforter, my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand

(All other ground is sinking sand)

In Christ alone, who took on flesh
Fullness of God in helpless Babe
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones He came to save

Till on that cross as Jesus died
The wrath of God was satisfied
For every sin on Him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live, I live

There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
Up from the grave He rose again

And as He stands in victory
Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me
For I am His and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ

No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From a life’s first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny

No power of hell, no scheme of man
Could ever pluck me from His hand
Till He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I stand.

Stuck in a moments thought


The whole purpose of life at times seem void. Most of everyone stuck in some sort of a rat race. The ultimate purpose?… to survive, or be more than a mere survivor. A pointless pursuit.

But at some point, no matter what accumulates in your account or what titles you may achieve, you’re still bound to experience that voidness.

That whole disturbing thought. The thought that has the power to make you pause and drag your soul to the dark pit. The weary thought of what are we as humans, our true purpose while on earth.

Is it to get stuck in this mad man’s race, and watch life fade away?, Or is to truly love and be loved…?

Coined Up’


Just like the two sides of a same coin, so applies to a person . Whereas the sides of a coin can be flipped either side, and read through clearly, but that of a persons…? You just wouldn’t know until it’s put to test.

Well, what happens when it’s put to test? You expect the unexpected. You could either be surprised, or you could still be surprised.  Either side, either way, the same effect.

One thing you can be sure of is… to be surprised!

Be surprised all the more to know that it was all coined up! 😛


A Moment


It only took a moment,

for all of life’s torments,

from the past and the future,

to haunt her fragile thoughts.

She could either sink deep into it,

never to surface,

to see the face of freedom,

and be chained in it forever.

Or it could all be gently washed away,

with the pearl beads

that rolled down her delicate little cheeks.

I watched her falling deep,

into the depths of the sea

until she hit the bottom hard,

hard enough, to awaken her from the grip,

the grip that held her tight

like the pearl in the oysters clutch.

She remained numb,

never to see, the dawn of a new day,

lifeless in the conniving lap of darkness,

that comforts her with pity.

As I continued watching her,

all I saw was grief

that had engulfed her with bitterness,

for I hope, it is, but for a brief moment.

I patiently wait and continue my watch

to cheer that very moment,

when she finally decides to rise,

and break off the feathers from her past,

that weighed her down,

from being the pearl

she was destined to be….

Tiny Slow in Fairy Land


There was once this little girl named Slow, who climbed up a tiny ladder into a tiny aircraft that flew real slow. The tiny aircraft finally one day, landed onto a tiny road, in a tiny fairy land called Dewbye.

Slow awoke from her long slumber. She rubbed her eyes *squeek squeek* looking out of the tiny little window beside her, that was just about the size of her pocket mirror. As soon as she got the glance of the Fairy Land, she sprang off her fluffy seat, grabbed on to her tiny little yellow and pink dotted, luggage and glided off the ladder, and landed right on to her tiny little bums.

Owch!!’ she exclaimed in a tiny squeaky voice. She stood up, patted the dust off her favourite tiny black frilled up frock she wore, and ran slooowly right towards a tiny little pink door.

Then she paused a moment, as she slooowly opened her luggage, poked her tiny head into it, in the pursuit of searching something real important.

She kept digging deep in, that you could barely see her anymore, but just her tiny little back jutting out of the luggage. Finally she threw herself off, out of the bag and once again landed on to her tiny little butt.

OWch” she exclaimed again! Again, as she stood up, patted the dust off her tiny black frilled up frock and looked right into her tightly clenched tiny fist. Then sloooowly she wrapped open her tiny little fingers….

There was this bright shimmering light busting right through the gaps of her fingers. As she held her palm wide open, the radiant light hit right across her face, and her face glowed bright as the sun.

In her palm, held the tiniest golden key ever seen, it was the key to enter into the Fairy Land. She soon inserted it sloooowly into the keyhole of the door.

Click’ it sounded,…as the door slowly opened itself. She could see tiny brilliantly coloured stars creeping out through the little space as the door opened. She sloooowly pressed forward her tiny little feet with tiny ballerina shooes of hers into the Fairy world, all hesitant yet marvelled by the world no one could have ever imagined.. Had she told anyone about this truth, she knew they would all burst out in laughter.

As a matter of fact, had Slow never believed in herself…she wouldn’t have been here in the first place. She chose to believe in the tiny golden key and the tiny kid scribbled map that she discovered right under her cot one night.

Like Narnia quotes, ‘Without Belief, We Are Nothing’. And as she entered the Fairy land, there stood the man of her dreams..strumming the guitar to suit the romantic mood of the air. The guitar strum his name *tim…tim..tim….*.

Bright orange rays of light poured out from all around him. Well the whole credit goes to the sun setting behind him, to further add on to the magical moment. Butterflies flew around Slow into the crisp love filled air, as she blushed her way to glory. Now, the applause goes to Slow who decided to unlid the jar and let go off alllll the butterflies she had captured, at the right moment. This further enhanced the beautiful romantic moment. There was this whole moment of silence. Camera. Cut. Action!

In slow motion Tim flings his guitar into the air and Slow drops the open jar and the lid, as they ran in slooow motion to each other,…

Scene changes. Focuses on the guitar and the jar, the lid…in slow motion hits the ground..and bounces back off in slow motion…..and seconds before they were about to meet eye to eye…arm to arm…hug to hug… share the most beautiful moment ever,…..the slow motion….was back to ‘Normal’.

*BOOM* a huge collision!

Well, unfortunately the head collision, threw them back on to the grounds. They rose up, walked off in two different directions.

This was exactly how fairy land worked!

The whole collision led to……..memory erase….

Senseless, right? That’s how it was intended to be….!

Fairy Land always kept up to its belief, ‘if two people were truly meant to be….together….forever, even wiping off their memory would still bring them back together’’

And so they wandered around clueless…..happily ever after…& Fairy Land continued to watch over them… know if they were truly meant to be………

Dedicated to my bestea Slow’

Dated : Aug 22nd 2012, Wednesday



Mr. Ex perience


As I go back, realised how dumb my posts were last year, just as dumb I was then to believe it to be good. The same applies with life. You believe some things to be good and true firmly unless proven wrong. It does help to grow and learn, to be wiser, but the more you learn from life, the more you tend to be careful, and that is what I detest the most about growing up.

They say ‘experience teaches you’ and the next time you would be careful and wiser. I say ‘Humbug!’.
The more you know, the more you are under control, the more you lose your child like innocence and freedom. The freedom you gain as an adult is different from the one you felt as a child.
It’s a whole world of difference!

As a child, your heart’s unaware of what it feels like to be heavy, to feel burdened. A moment of anger and then its back to, sweet nothings. Clinging on to hurts, pondering upon them, as far as it turns into steaming red coal, just as to thrash off people from our lives, like they never meant a thing’, is all part of the growing up world! It’s the innocence and purity in a child’s heart, that lets them not carry a bag full of unfaithfulness, deception, pride, hatred, strife, dishonesty, unforgiveness, false promises, fake shows,  smiles and laughs….

So, does experience really teach you?, or does being careful mean being real doubtful about every person or situation. I would prefer to open up the bag from my childhood and pull out ‘trust’ from it. It seems pretty hard, when experience taught you something spiteful. But then living life, building walls around you, just to prevent being hurt, would only cage you in, not the rest of the world. Its better to tear those walls down, so as to not kill the only hope left,…… believe…….people can still be trusted….’

It’s rather a vicious circle. It actually goes on and on, or it might just stop soon. But not if you don’t believe there is a good that can be trusted.
In the end, experience does teach you……to not give up or give in.